International Children’s Book Day

  • What children’s book do you have?

We have many children’s books` fairy tales, teaching books and even old coloring books for kids.

  • Make a catalog of children’s books, which are in your home library.

Nursery rhymes

Rudyard Kipling «Just so stories»

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry «Little prince»

  • Ask your family members about their favourite books.

My mom’s favorite book is «Three Comrades» by Erich Maria Remarque

My dad’s favorite book is «The Master and Margarita» by Mikhail Bulgakov

My brother’s favorite book is «The Adventures of Dennis» by Victor Dragunsky

My grandmother’s favorite book is «One Hundred Years of Solitude» by Gabriel García Márquez

My grandfather’s favorite book is «Persian Letters» by Montesquieu

And my favorite book is «Hearts of Three» by Jack London

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